Save Time And Money With One Wedding Venue—4 Popular Strategies


A couple who is not set on having their wedding ceremony at a particular location has a great opportunity to save time, money, and stress. How? By having your wedding ceremony and its reception in just one venue. If this idea appeals to you but the logistics have you stymied, here's a short guide to four of the most popular ways to lay out the space.  

1. Turnover During Cocktail Hour

One of the most well-known uses of cocktail hour is to turn over the ceremony space into the reception space. Have guests relocate to another part of the venue so they don't witness the turnover work. The primary downside of this method is that you'll have to move quickly to redecorate and refurnish the ceremony space. Get more help and use professionals to make it easier. 

2. Set Up for the Reception

While an audience seated in rows of neat chairs is the traditional look for a wedding ceremony, it's not the only choice. The easiest way to use one single venue is to set it up for the reception right from the beginning. Use a raised stage or the dance floor as your ceremony space. Guests remain seated at their tables or may gather around you for a short ceremony. Then, the party starts right away. 

3. Use a Flexible Space

Some venues have the ability to change the size of the ballroom using temporary walls and partitions. If you choose one such venue, you can actually split it into two distinct and visually separated spaces. The primary downside is that each space is smaller than the whole. On the other hand, it allows you to create two very different setups and even use different decor. 

4. Create Two Zones

Even if you cannot physically separate your ceremony and reception, you can still designate different zones for each. With this method, you simply set up the wedding ceremony in one area of the space—usually the part closest to the entrance—and keep it within its borders. The rest of the room is available for reception decor and use. Some turnover may still be necessary, but it should be minimized. 

Where to Learn More

Each of these methods has its pros and cons, but each can also be very successful. Start finding your ideal layout by touring reception venues in your area today. No matter how you manage the shared space, the result will be a beautiful and magical wedding. Contact a local wedding venue to learn more. 


24 January 2023

Enjoying More Events With Kids

Having kids is hard, especially when you lead an active lifestyle. When I first had kids, I found myself spending a lot of time at home and wondering if I would ever recover from the social damage from having children when all of my friends were still single. However, I quickly realized that I was holding myself back. I started going to more events and learning how to keep my kids calm and happy during the process. It was really rewarding to see the difference these changes made in my personal life. Before I knew it, I was happier, more focused, and my kids were better adjusted. Check out this blog to learn how to handle going to events with children.